While reading an interesting article in the Sunday New York Times about research on psychotherapy (I’ll have more to say about that article later), I came upon a quotation from a psychoanalyst I greatly admire and whose writings were highly influential in shaping the direction of psychoanalysis in recent years. It is a quote that […]
Archive | Psychoanalysis General Info
Psychotherapy: Just Talking
Thoreau wrote “Simplify, simplify, simplify” before he went off to live in the woods (well, really the pond in town) for what turned out to be a short stay. And while human beings are complex creatures, and psychotherapy and psychoanalysis endeavor to understand a person’s complexity, it is useful to simplify at times. So I […]
Psychotherapy: The Power of Remembering
Of course, it doesn’t happen every day. But frequently enough it does happen that a client lets me know through words or changes in behaviors the positive impact our work is having. And those moment are, well, they are just the best. Recently I had such a moment. A client said, “You know, it’s really […]
There are many times when I am just amazed by what we do – my clients and me. What we do in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. I think “amazed” is the right word. We affirm that there is a place, amidst this swirling, busy and often chaotic world, to sit (sometimes lay on the psychoanalytic couch) […]
Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Recently I came across a short article that clearly articulates some of the main differences between psychotherapeutic approaches that I offer. The article from Psychology Today, The Difference Between Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, addresses basic difference between the two approaches and in the process gives a good, albeit broad, summary of both. I’d like to include […]
On Psychoanalysis: The Personal is Still Political
From time to time, I like to blog about psychoanalysis as a way of introducing people to this fascinating and effective means of delving deeper into oneself. While this form of psychotherapy requires more of a commitment of time, energy and resources than other types, it can offer more as well. Although it has changed […]
Human Complexity
“The human species is fantastically complex and often doesn’t know what it is doing. The search for a better understanding of our behavior is vital. It’s also difficult, never-ending and still very much worth the struggle.” Those are the last sentences of a review in the New York Times Book Review by David Leonhardt of […]
Space to Reflect on What Is (Revised)
I write these thoughts during these very scary and uncertain times. As one patient put it, times that feel very different than any that have come before. I’m mindful of this as I write about space and about how psychotherapy and psychoanalysis carve out a space, a place, to inhabit in order to reflect and […]
Psychoanalysis and the (Crazy) Modern World
I just came across a very interesting article that serves as a good introduction and argument for psychoanalysis today. The article (click here) is found on Australia’s ABC news as part of a feature that they call “All in the Mind.” The piece, along with an accompanying podcast, makes interesting points about the validity of […]
The Recovery of Wholeness
“Psychotherapy is an obstinate attempt of two people to recover the wholeness of being human through the relationship between them.” — R. D. Laing (1967) I recently came across this quotation and it seems to me to eloquently and succinctly capture what psychotherapy and psychoanalysis are all about. It seems to me that the core […]